In-Person Worship
English service starts at 9 am
​Cantonese service starts at 10:30 am

The word “church” can bring forth a number of different mental images. Some people picture a magnificent cathedral. Others see a high-steepled building situated in a peaceful rural valley. And still others think of an inner-city storefront meeting place.
When the Bible uses the term “church,” however, it never refers to a building or a place. It is used, rather, to refer to a body of people who, because of their relationship to Christ, share a relationship with one another.
If you don’t have a Christian church that you call home, I invite you to join us in worship and fellowship here at Hope Lutheran Church and School. We are a caring family in Christ who wants to share the love of Christ with others and help them in any way we can. Jesus Christ is the heart of our message—in Him alone we have forgiveness, life and salvation.
In His Service and Yours,
Pastor Woo

SDC functions in many ways like Vacation Bible School (VBS), where children from 1st grade to 8th grade come together to learn about God, worship together, having fun together, and go on field trips together.
We have Cantonese and Mandarin classes from beginner to Level 6
Welcome! Whether you have children in our program or taking the opportunity to learn if our program is a good fit for your child, I hope you find our preschool to be a nurturing place that exuberates joy.